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  1. amigo tente isso
  2. Preciso de uma flash de C406l desde ja agradeço a ajuda
  3. LG Qualcomm v. 1.5.5 released! New model Added LG Qualcomm v. 1.5.5 released! - Added KF690 unlock, flash, nvm read/write, repair - Added new unlock.db New bomb updates will coming soon be happy with z3x-team
  4. 17/07/2009 Microbox server update server update 12 new firmwares lg 3g added 03 new firmwares skype 02 new firmwares zte f230 Stay tuned more on the way , summer will be very hot for sure
  6. Before uninstall old version: 1. copy all eeprom/flash backup files from folders with Modules to safe place 2. copy x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\PinFinder\pinout_db_user.ini file in safe place Before installation: 1. delete all files/folders in x:\Program Files\InfinityBox After installation: 1. read manuals in x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Documentation 2. restore x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\PinFinder\pinout_db_user.ini file 10 Jul 2009: InfinitySetupMain_v2.17a released: 1. AModule v1.32 2. Bird01 v1.12 3. Bird02 v1.06 4. BModule v1.32 5. Calculator v1.00 6. ChineseMiracle v2.84 7. HModule v1.34 8. Informer v1.01 9. KModule v1.02 10. Language v1.10 11. MModule v2.79 12. Moto01 v1.48 13. Moto03 v1.08 14. OTE-Reader v1.00 15. Pana01 v1.68 16. Pana02 v1.15 17. Pana04 v1.07 18. Pana06 v1.05 19. PanaCleaner v1.05 20. PinFinder v1.19 21. Pinout v1.39 22. PModule v1.07 23. PModule02 v1.14 24. PNModule v1.08 25. PNModuleH v1.00 26. QCModule v1.21 27. QCModule2 v1.06 28. QModule v2.21 29. RepairModule v1.12 30. Samsung01 v1.06 31. Siem02 v1.01 32. SModule v1.22 33. SPD v1.00 34. SPD2 v2.09 35. TModule v1.04 36. VkMob01 v1.23 37. VkMobile02 v1.10 38. VkMobile03 v1.00 39. VkWhat3E v1.2.5.4 40. VModule v1.31 41. Shell v1.29
  7. Tente trocar a fita do flex pode se ela em curto , ela acopla com o tambor no fundo
  8. Preciso de uma flash de M140l para HWK , desde ja fico grato
  9. Sagem Free Unlocker and Flasher - Sagem 150x : Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom - Sagem 220x : Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom, Repair dead phones - Sagem 220v : Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom, Repair dead phones - Vodafone 125: Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom - Vodafone 225: Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom - Vodafone 226: Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom, Repair dead phones - Vodafone 227: Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom - Vodafone 228: Unlock, Relock, Read full flash, Write Firmware, Read / Write EEprom Vodafone_Sagem.rar
  10. Não us nenhuma das duas, mais a UST , na minha opnião é a melhor box de Sansumg do momento
  11. Samsung All Modals B239,259.279,s299,39 9,259,269,679 Unlocking SAMSUNG ALL IN ONE.rar
  12. Amigo de uma olhada em 2 capacitores atraz ou de baixo do conector de bat tire eles fora
  13. Motorola instalador Drive 9.0 Motorola.9.0.rar
  14. Amigo tente isso
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