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5610/6500 falha na camera
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Z3X LG box. New security LG Nonstop updates. 14 New firmwares added. List of supported phones: CU515, CU720, CU920, KF310, KU250, KU380, KU385, KF700, KU970, KU990, KU990GO, U250, U370, U960, U970, U990 Added 14 new firmwares. New unlock database on support: unlock_database_v114_15.06.2009.rar
Nokia 1650 Sim ways Nokia 1650 buzzer ways Nokia 1650 Display jumpers Nokia 1650 ear phone repair Nokia 1650 jumper repair Nokia 1650 vibra repair Nokia 1650 local mode solution Nokia 1650 Light jumpers Nokia 1650 charging repair solution Nokia 1650 keypad jumper Nokia 1650 signal problem Nokia 1650 radio problem solution http://www.4shared.com/file/111930858/b453b9ae/1650_FULL_SOLUTON.html
TST Swifit D500 E350 tst_swift.zip
Nova atualização Uploaded! V2.1g está pronto para download! NA versão mais recente eu fiz: .) Muitos bugs corrigidos .) Mais detalhes simlock tabela infos (para 1,2 blocos, outros seguem quando tenho mais testphones com esta necessária blocos) .) Bug no arquivo pedir leitura, quando não é IMEI readed não pedir ficheiro é guardado / trabalhando agora ... .) I acelerado processo de escrita completo pm .) Acelerou perguntar arquivo com melhor leitura timings ... .) Após a reparação pm escrito por UFS, simlock status é controlado automaticamente .) AGORA DIRETO WRITING (PER UFS) por 7 Bloco Unlocked Reparação Possível PM .) 2 blocos bloqueados com 2 fornecedores (para o Reino Unido e Áustria Telemóveis como N0kia 5800, também para muitos outros countrys possível) .) Ajuste automático Setting Provedor de segunda para a Áustria e no Reino Unido T-Mobile ea Orange UK H3G (envie mais com a segunda principal fornecedor ao país addjust mais) Também Preciso de 3 quarteirões bloqueado e desbloqueado pm backups ajuste para esta opção. PM120 REPAIR TOOLV_2.G.zip
.:: RESET Telefone código do BB5 sem perder dados::.
fdasilva postou um tópico em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
.:: RESET Telefone código do BB5 sem perder dados::. Basta escrever pm arquivo e redefinir código 12345 ...... Esta redefinição pm telefone código para 12345 e repor código errado entra balcão. ! Antes de escrever faça boackup 308 pm domínio da PM !!!!! bb5code12345And_counter_reset.zip -
list of Nokia keypad IC compatibility! EMIF-10-1K010F2 1110/1200/1600/1650/2310/3220/5140/5140i/6020/6021/6030/6060/6070/ 6080/6101/6103/6230/6670/7260/7360/7610/E60/E62/E70 EMIF10-LCD02F3 1680c/2600c/2610/2626/2630/2660/2760/3110c/3500c/3555/5000/5610/5700/6110c/ 6120c/6121c/6124c/6210n/6220c/6290/6300/ 6301/6500s/6555/6650f/7390/7500/8600/ E51/E65/E66/N78 EMIF10-1K010F1 [/font 3200/3600/3650/5100/6200/6220/6310/6310i/6500/6510/6600/6610/6610i/ 6800/6820/7200/7210/7250/7250i/8910i EMIF10-COM01F2 2865/3120c/3230/3250/5200/5300/5500/6085/6125/6131/6131NFC/6136/ 6151/6170/6230i/6233/6260/6263/6267/6270/6280/6500c/6630/6680/6681/ 7270/7280/7370/7373/7380/7710/7900/8800ARTE/9300/9300i/9500/E50/ E61/E61i/N70/N72/N73/N77/N80/N81/N82/N90/N92/N93/N93i/ N95/N95-8GB EMIF02-MIC02F2 N91/N71 BGF109 N770 TC35892XBG 6600F
Atualizações ATF - Advance Turbo Flasher
fdasilva respondeu ao tópico de Ricardo Pereira em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
AdvanceBox v6.03 - Updates Fixed and improved Client and Server SX4 Service (Fast and stable) Auto-select server for user attempting to use SX4 Server Software is auto-restart every 6 minutes added logging with date ( you can see logs folder) temporarily remove support for stand alone sx4 (it causes hang up , but will fix this) Note : we enable sx4 client monitoring, we can block your ip or pc, so please don't abuse this service. Previous beta version will not work in new sx4 server. Advance Team: Use the Original AdvanceBox TP Cable for SX4 flashing [OCULTAR][/OCULTAR] [OCULTAR][/OCULTAR] [OCULTAR][/OCULTAR] First, some basic tutorial on how to use the SX-4 Client Software inside AdvanceBox 6.03...[OCULTAR][/OCULTAR] [OCULTAR][/OCULTAR] Now for Frequently Asked Questions: [OCULTAR]Q: Can I use SX-4 to unlock new "SL3" phones A: No Q: Can I use SX-4 to upload unlocked PM 308 and PM 120 to N96, 5800, and other phones which have firmware protected PM 308 A: No Q: Can I use SX-4 to fix PM 308 or Corrupted Certificate problems that causes my phone to automatically shutdown by itself every so often A: No Q: If I full erase my PM, then use SX-4 Server to write my good friend's Full PM backup without PM 308, then proceed to unlock my phone using the "No TP Unlock" Solution, will my phone be 100% OK A: No. Although your phone will be unlocked, and SX-4 will enable you to write RF Tunings and Battery Calibration, but you will still not have a complete 100% working PM 308. In this case, your phone will shutdown every so often. Q: My phone has damaged earpiece, can I use SX-4 Server to fix this? A: No Q: My phone has broken LCD (cracked) because my girlfriend threw it out the window. Can I use SX-4 Server to fix the phone? A: Let me think... No! Q: Why is it that I always get: 12:32:21 : :> Sending Request 2 ... 12:32:21 : Server SX4 Error..Try Again A: Because your phone cannot be Authorized by the SX-4 Server. Most probably your PM 308 is not good or your Certificates (RPL) are corrupted. Follow Up Question: But this is the reason why I wanted to use SX-4 Server so I could write the good PM 308 file!!! Is there no other way A: Writing PM 308 does not require SX-4 Authority. If you cannot write to PM 308, then most probably you have one of those new phones with new firmwares that disable writing to PM 308 (like N96, 5800 etc...). Q: So what is the use of the SX-4 Server if it cannot do all these things especially fixed a cracked LCD A: It is primarily used for writing RF Tunings and Battery Calibration. With it you can write full PM 0-xxx for phones with non protected PM 308. It can also fix some problems you may encounter afer writing a GOOD RPL to the phone. For this specific problem, we have upload some default PM 1 and PM 309 for most phones in our server. Q: I keep getting error messages in the software, is it a Server Problem or is my phone really not possible to Authorize? A: According to our server logs for the past few days, around 70% of the LOGS are from phones which have Security Failures such as bad PM 308 or bad RPL. So most probably, you are one of the 70%. Q: So how can a phone Qualify for SX-4 Authorization? A: * If the phone has 100% good certificates (RPL) and 100% good PM 308 and PM 120 for new phones, then you can use SX-4 Server to Authorize the phone if you want to upload new PM 1 and PM 309 to it. * If the phone was fully erased, then re-flashed with a compatible firmware, then a good RPL was written to it... You can use SX-4 to Authorize the phone to accept your FULL PM backup (except for phones with protected PM 30. Q: So a phone has to be 100% working before I can SX-4 Authorize it Why would I want to SX-4 Authorize a 100% working phone without problems A: You don't. The main thing is, SX-4 Authority is not for fixing DAMAGED SECURITY Certificates. It is not for SP Unlocking any BB5 Phone. It is not for Fixing PM 308 or PM 120. So if you plan to use our SX-4 Server, be sure you know what it is for. If you don't know what SX-4 Authority is for, then most probably you will never need it. But for those who knows what it is for and have used it before in JAF, then I can assure you that our Server is working well these days... ;o) Q: Ok Mr. Smarty Pants, how about telling us how to connect AdvanceBox TP Cables to the FBUS_RX and FBUS_TX of new phones like N96 etc A: We will add support for USB Connection in the next release. Q: Ok ok... but still this SX-4 Server cannot fix my broken LCD even if the crack is just very very very small A: Hmm... Please buy a hammer, and hit it to your head ;oP[/OCULTAR] [OCULTAR] [/OCULTAR] Creéitos: EdnaCell -
N95 lcd leds
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N95 buzzer
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N95 earpiece
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N95 não carrega
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N95 8gb lcd
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N70 Buzzer ways
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N70 speaker
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7210s speaker
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6500s mic
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6300 mic
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6300 lcd
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6300 luzes
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2310 campanhia e audio rx
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