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Medusa PRO v.1.1.4 Release Notes:
Added LG Factory Repair feature!
You can try to repair LG devices via eMMC by using original LG firmware * («*.tot", "*.kdz" and "*.dz" versions of firmware are supported!).
This feature can be useful in case, if you haven’t got the working device to prepare Repair file or haven’t got a chance to read out Full flash; or device you want to repair currently is not supported.
Medusa Notas PRO v.1.1.4 Lançamento:
Adicionado LG Fábrica recurso de reparo!
Você pode tentar reparar dispositivos LG via eMMC usando originais LG firmware * («* .tot", "* .kdz versões" e "* .dz" de firmware são suportados!).
Este recurso pode ser útil no caso, se você não tem o dispositivo de trabalho para preparar arquivo Reparar ou não têm a oportunidade de ler para fora de Full flash; ou dispositivo que pretende reparar não é suportada atualmente.
Fixed and improved Content Extractor:
- Fixed GUI delay while analyzing contacts, SMS and pictures.
- Fixed issue with contacts’ export to VCF file.
- Increased stability of FS analysis.
- Increased speed of FS reading and parsing directly from the device.
Added Win XP SP3 support (in test mode).
Made some GUI changes.
Updated repair file for LG LS991 (please re-download SRF file).
All pinouts and repair procedures described in the manual ("Help" button in the Software)
* NOTE: not all versions of firmware contain necessary partitions for repairing! Try to write different firmware.