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Conquistas de ashamsu

  1. So we have to think what we can do in fastboot with cid_prov_req command. If anybody knows pls share their idea's here ...
  2. Yes i use, that's why iam replying here. It wiil be easy if the forum has translator for every reply. Thanks...
  3. Dear Members, he is that original.... Vídeo removido por conter dados para contato. Moderação CLangsm
  4. Dear Members, i know only english to reply in this forum. Pls reply me in english to get understand
  5. Dear Members, i have 1 doubt, how the unlocker enetered to fastboot mode directly from build version screen. If he can access access adb reboot bootloader from that screen, then he has enabled oem unlock & or usb debug enabled.
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