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Conquistas de flipped154

  1. estou com problemas com meu g900m ... escrevo arquivo cert com sucesso mas o celular continua sem imei android 6.0.1 Platform: Samsung Android Selected port: COM19 Selected model: SM-G900M Selected file: C:\Users\xBruno\Desktop\Cert-SM-G900F_353110060702---.cert Detected phone model: SM-G900M Firmware compiled date: Tue Aug 9 07:14:54 KST 2016 PDA version: G900MUBS1CPH2 CSC version: G900MZTO1CPD2 SW version: G900MUBU1CPD2 Phone SN: 00000000000 Android version: 6.0.1 (MMB29M) Sales code: ZTO Country: Brazil HW platform: msm8974 HW Chip: MSM8974PRO HW Modem: MSM8974PRO Security patch level: 2016-08-01 Codename: klteub Checking Root: Phone is Rooted. Checking Certificate file... Certificate file successfully checked Writing Certificate... Writing new phone IMEI... Checking certificate compatibility... Certificate is compatible Writing Certificate... Phone will restart now. Please don't disconnect cable! Certificate has been written successfully Please, restart the phone to apply changes Performed by 2.4.7 Software version.
  2. resolvi já o problema ... era problema nas configuração usb ... era apenas mudar elas com o código *#0808# para rndis + dm + modem mas faço todos os procedimentos e mesmo assim não sobe o imei pro celular ... é um g900m android 6.0.1 Platform: Samsung Android Selected port: COM19 Selected model: SM-G900M Selected file: C:\Users\*-*\Desktop\g900f\Cert-SM-G900F_352558067456---_00000000000.cert Detected phone model: SM-G900M Firmware compiled date: Tue Aug 9 07:14:54 KST 2016 PDA version: G900MUBS1CPH2 CSC version: G900MZTO1CPD2 SW version: G900MUBU1CPD2 Phone SN: 00000000000 Android version: 6.0.1 (MMB29M) Sales code: ZTO Country: Brazil HW platform: msm8974 HW Chip: MSM8974PRO HW Modem: MSM8974PRO Security patch level: 2016-08-01 Codename: klteub Checking Root: Phone is Rooted. Checking Certificate file... Certificate file successfully checked Writing Certificate... Writing new phone IMEI... Checking certificate compatibility... Certificate is compatible Writing Certificate... Phone will restart now. Please don't disconnect cable! Certificate has been written successfully Please, restart the phone to apply changes Performed by 2.4.7 Software version.
  3. octoplus box não reconhece sm-g900m Plataforma: Samsung Android Porto seleccionado: COM14 Modelo seleccionado: SM-G900M No porto seleccionado o telefone não foi detectado! Tentando de buscar o porto USB diagnóstico... Tentando de conectar o telefone em COM14 Modo: Emergência A conexão com o telefone fracassou Portos diagnósticos não encontrados! Tentando de conectar o telefone em COM7 A conexão com o telefone fracassou Performed by 2.4.7 Software version.
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