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Conquistas de Dedecko0606
Como fazer Blankflash no Moto E5 XT1944-4?
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em REPAROS NO HARDWARE
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Alguém sabe como faz o procedimento de Blankflash no Moto E5? Eu tento iniciar ele no modo EDL porém ele sempre vai pra tela bad key ou pro bootloader (mesma coisa clicando no balãozinho escrito QCOM), eu tenho os arquivos de Blankflash do celular, porém sempre fica "Waiting for any devices".
Blank flash xt1924-4 moto e5 plus
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de jarrcell em Novas Firmware e Arquivos inseridos no Clan SOFT
https://mirrors-obs-2.lolinet.com/firmware/motorola/2018/rhannah/blankflash/blankflash_from_RHANNAH_DTEU_OPPS27.91_179_9_14.zip BlankFlash para o celular Moto E5 Plus XT1924-4 -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
com conserta com box? se for coisa cara e que usa coisa de solda melhor trocar a placa obs: já use o LMSA (Lenovo Moto Rescue Assistant) e falhou. -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
alguem ajuda pfvvv -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
ajuda ae parça pfv -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
Eu procurei MUITO, e só achei vídeos do Moto G8 de como reparar o Slot A/B, eu realmente preciso do meu celular -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
Se você pode me passar seu WhatsApp podemos conversar lá, se você tiver Discord pode me passar também -
Moto E5 XT1944-4 Não aceita Stock ROM
Dedecko0606 respondeu ao tópico de Dedecko0606 em SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIOS
Não sei como repara meu amigo, pode mostra algum vídeo? -
Opa gente, eu tenho um Moto E5, porém do nada ele parou de funcionar, é ele não aceita a Stock ROM dele, vou mostrar a "getvar" e o "cmd log", já pesquisei MUITO, é não achei nenhuma solução, se eu tento entrar no Stock Recovery, ele fica 1 segundo e desliga, só entra no modo Fastboot e no modo TWRP (64 Bits), Não aceita nenhuma Custom ROM/GSI, não adianta usar fastboot -w, não funciona, e se eu usar o comando fastboot oem lock, ele da startup failed. CMD Log (o que acontece quando tento instalar a Stock ROM): max-sparse-size: 268435456 finished. total time: 0.003s ... OKAY [ 0.002s] finished. total time: 0.002s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'partition' (45 KB)... OKAY [ 0.005s] writing 'partition'... (bootloader) Validating 'gpt.default.xml' (bootloader) Security version downgrade (bootloader) Image primary_gpt failed validation (bootloader) Preflash validation failed (bootloader) Cancelling 'gpt.default.xml' FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 0.073s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'bootloader' (7483 KB)... OKAY [ 0.256s] writing 'bootloader'... (bootloader) Validating 'bootloader.default.xml' (bootloader) Committing 'bootloader.default.xml' (bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot' (bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm' (bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz' (bootloader) - flashing 'devcfg.mbn' to 'devcfg' (bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib' (bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib64.mbn' to 'cmnlib64' (bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster' (bootloader) - flashing 'prov.mbn' to 'prov' (bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1' OKAY [ 0.665s] finished. total time: 0.924s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'modem' (68742 KB)... OKAY [ 2.224s] writing 'modem'... OKAY [ 1.091s] finished. total time: 3.319s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'fsg' (6152 KB)... OKAY [ 0.202s] writing 'fsg'... OKAY [ 0.157s] finished. total time: 0.364s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'dsp' (16384 KB)... OKAY [ 0.533s] writing 'dsp'... OKAY [ 0.292s] finished. total time: 0.829s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'logo' (1425 KB)... OKAY [ 0.050s] writing 'logo'... OKAY [ 0.104s] finished. total time: 0.158s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'boot' (16384 KB)... OKAY [ 0.551s] writing 'boot'... (bootloader) Image signed with key bad key OKAY [ 0.374s] finished. total time: 0.929s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'recovery' (16484 KB)... OKAY [ 0.547s] writing 'recovery'... (bootloader) Image signed with key bad key OKAY [ 0.399s] finished. total time: 0.950s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'system' (512681 KB)... OKAY [ 16.709s] writing 'system'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 16.738s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'system' (522760 KB)... OKAY [ 17.119s] writing 'system'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 17.137s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'system' (486006 KB)... OKAY [ 15.750s] writing 'system'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 15.768s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'system' (495091 KB)... OKAY [ 16.019s] writing 'system'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 16.032s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'system' (182510 KB)... OKAY [ 5.910s] writing 'system'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 5.931s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'vendor' (228603 KB)... OKAY [ 7.956s] writing 'vendor'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 7.994s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'oem' (160210 KB)... OKAY [ 5.580s] writing 'oem'... (bootloader) Preflash validation failed FAILED (remote failure) finished. total time: 5.594s erasing 'modemst1'... OKAY [ 0.035s] finished. total time: 0.038s erasing 'modemst2'... OKAY [ 0.032s] finished. total time: 0.034s erasing 'DDR'... OKAY [ 0.003s] finished. total time: 0.004s target reported max download size of 535822336 bytes sending 'fsg' (6152 KB)... OKAY [ 0.204s] writing 'fsg'... OKAY [ 0.154s] finished. total time: 0.361s ... OKAY [ 0.003s] finished. total time: 0.004s Getvar: (bootloader) version: 0.5 (bootloader) version-bootloader: moto-msm8917-BE.4F (bootloader) product: nora (bootloader) board: nora (bootloader) secure: yes (bootloader) hwrev: P4 (bootloader) radio: 7 (bootloader) storage-type: emmc (bootloader) emmc: 32GB SAMSUNG QX13MB RV=08 PV=07 FV=0000000000000007 (bootloader) ram: 2GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE=8Gb M5=01 M6=05 M7=00 M8=1F (bootloader) cpu: MSM8917 (bootloader) serialno: 0053434688 (bootloader) cid: 0x0032 (bootloader) channelid: 0x19 (bootloader) uid: 6CB9EA5600000000000000000000 (bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked (bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes (bootloader) max-download-size: 535822336 (bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed (bootloader) imei: 359523094581459 (bootloader) meid: (bootloader) date: 01-22-2019 (bootloader) sku: XT1944-4 (bootloader) carrier_sku: XT1944-4 (bootloader) battid: SB18C294889 (bootloader) iccid: (bootloader) cust_md5: (bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456 (bootloader) current-time: "Sun Feb 5 17: 8:26 UTC 2023" (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[0]: motorola/nora_row/nora_8917:8.0.0/ (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[1]: OPPS27.91-176-11-13/17:user/releas (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[2]: e-keys (bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0 (bootloader) ro.build.version.full[0]: Blur_Version.27.341.17.nora_row.r (bootloader) ro.build.version.full[1]: etail.en.US (bootloader) ro.build.version.qcom: LA.UM.6.6.r1-04400-89xx.0 (bootloader) version-baseband: <not found> (bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 3.18.71-perf-ge53935a63bec (bootloader) kernel.version[1]: (hudsoncm@ilclbld28) (gcc version 4.8 ( (bootloader) kernel.version[2]: GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 6 09:41:12 (bootloader) kernel.version[3]: CST 2020 (bootloader) sbl1.git: git=MBM-NG-VBE.4F-0-g8ffb6ee (bootloader) rpm.git: git=02a07261-dirty (bootloader) tz.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) devcfg.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) keymaster.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) cmnlib.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) cmnlib64.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) prov.git: git=01716143eb (bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-VBE.4F-0-g4e3d3ac (bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0) (bootloader) ro.carrier: retbr (bootloader) current-slot: (bootloader) slot-suffixes: _a (bootloader) slot-count: 1 (bootloader) slot-successful:_a: INVALID (bootloader) slot-successful:_b: INVALID (bootloader) slot-bootable:_a: INVALID (bootloader) slot-bootable:_b: INVALID (bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: unknown (bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: unknown