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leandro champam

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Tudo que leandro champam postou

  1. oi boa tarde a todos gente to precisando de uma placa do sansung gt-s5560i urgente meu msn to agarando resposta obr ..
  2. oi alguem tem a flash do china feppari f131 2 chip leitura do aparelho pela hiper box It is sensing the pinout fast,please hold on the phone Power key RXD=18 TXD=16 Connecting...Please hold on the POWER key until the red gauge is going... Any errors please select another boot and try again. BB:6225, HardwareVer:8A05, SoftwareVer:8A00 Loading boot... INT_SYSRAM_BOOT test completed. Loading boot... Boot2 test completed. Nor Flash ID: 0001227E22202200 Nand Flash ID: 0000000000000000 Read Hardware Information is done. Config EMI(Nor Flash only)... H/W detection ok. Get Project ID from phone... Project ID: T9HR-TX-RDA-QCIF-SN4-F1-8-V03 agradecimento des de ja
  3. Connect Phone to RJ-45 Without Battery ! Power BAT+ from RJ45 V-BAT ! ExtBL Failed: no BOOT Signal UART_BOOT Done File: \S5560I XEB S5560IXXKA5\BOOTFILES\bcmboot.img S5560i-img, START: 00000000 SIZE: 0001E37C TX_START Failed: 0, 69 NAND Write Failed aguem pode me dar uma maozinha obrgado des de ja
  4. colega troca o processador de carga mt6318a que resouve seu problema testado por mim
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