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eMMC Pro V1.06 and a lot of new models !

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eMMC Pro Updates
[19 AUG 2016]

eMMC Pro V1.06 Release Notes
  • Detecting eMMC Controls added
  • Errors and Handling
  • Writing to Fake I/O Bug is fixed.
  • Error Codes

Error Messages and Handling ;


CMD_CRC_FAIL                            =        (1)          which is Command response received (but CRC check failed)
DATA_CRC_FAIL                          =        (2)          which is Data bock sent/received (CRC check Failed)
CMD_RSP_TIMEOUT                        =        (3)          which is Command response timeout
DATA_TIMEOUT                            =        (4)          which is Data time out
TX_UNDERRUN                            =        (5)          which is Transmit FIFO under-run
RX_OVERRUN                              =        (6)          which is Receive FIFO over-run
START_BIT_ERR                          =        (7)          which is Start bit not detected on all data signals in widE bus mode
CMD_OUT_OF_RANGE                        =        (8)          which is CMD's argument was out of range
ADDR_MISALIGNED                        =        (9)          which is Misaligned address
BLOCK_LEN_ERR                          =        (10)        which is Transferred block length is not allowed for the card or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length
ERASE_SEQ_ERR                          =        (11)        which is An error in the sequence of erase command occurs
BAD_ERASE_PARAM                        =        (12)        which is An Invalid selection for erase groups
WRITE_PROT_VIOLATION                    =        (13)        which is Attempt to program a write protect block
LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED                      =        (14)        which is Sequence or password error has been detected in unlock command or if there was an attempt to access a locked card
COM_CRC_FAILED                          =        (15)        which is CRC check of the previous command failed
ILLEGAL_CMD                            =        (16)        which is Command is not legal for the card state
CARD_ECC_FAILED                        =        (17)        which is Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data
CC_ERROR                                =        (18)        which is Internal card controller error
GENERAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR                  =        (19)        which is General or Unknown error
STREAM_READ_UNDERRUN                    =        (20)        which is The card could not sustain data transfer in stream read operation.
STREAM_WRITE_OVERRUN                    =        (21)        which is The card could not sustain data programming in stream mode
CID_CSD_OVERWRITE                      =        (22)        which is CID/CSD overwrite error
WP_ERASE_SKIP                          =        (23)        which is only partial address space was erased
CARD_ECC_DISABLED                      =        (24)        which is Command has been executed without using internal ECC
ERASE_RESET                            =        (25)        which is Erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received
AKE_SEQ_ERROR                          =        (26)        which is Error in sequence of authentication.
INVALID_VOLTRANGE                      =        (27)       
ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE                      =        (28)       
SWITCH_ERROR                            =        (29)       
SDIO_DISABLED                          =        (30)       
SDIO_FUNCTION_BUSY                      =        (31)       
SDIO_FUNCTION_FAILED                    =        (32)       
SDIO_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION                  =        (33)

Standard errors and messages ;


INTERNAL_ERROR                          =        (34)       
NOT_CONFIGURED                          =        (35)       
REQUEST_PENDING                        =        (36)       
REQUEST_NOT_APPLICABLE                  =        (37)       
INVALID_PARAMETER                      =        (38)       
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE                    =        (39)       
UNSUPPORTED_HW                          =        (40)       
ERROR                                  =        (41)       
OK                                      =        (42)       
CMD1_TIMEOUT                            =        (60)

New Models and Support Page :
  • Huawei G6-U00 Full Dump package uploaded [ World First ]
  • Huawei G6-U00 Direct eMMC / ISP Pinouts uploaded
  • Huawei G6-U10 Full Dump package uploaded
  • Huawei G6-U10 Direct eMMC / ISP Pinouts uploaded
  • Huawei G700-U00 Full Dump package uploaded [ World First ]
  • Huawei G700-U00 (ISP N/A) eMMC Layout Uploaded
  • Huawei P6-T00 Full Dump package uploaded [ World First ]
  • Huawei P6-T00 Direct eMMC / ISP Pinouts uploaded
  • Huawei P6-U06 Full Dump package uploaded
  • Huawei P6-U06 Direct eMMC / ISP Pinouts uploaded
  • Nokia Lumia 610 Dump package uploaded
  • Nokia Lumia Direct eMMC / ISP Pinouts uploaded [ World First ]

Huawei G700 :

ISP / eMMC Pinouts are not available on the board for those who want to program eMMC
You can still do it using eMMC Pro and connecting eMMC IC directly to eMMC Pro using the picture provided .

Advanced eMMC Repair
eMMC PRo - Universal Device Programmer

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