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S7 Edeger G935F Connection error Z3X

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boa tarde galera estou com um samsung s7 edger  que estava em loop ai fui flashear ele pelo odin agora ele não entra em recovery  só consigo coloca=lo em modo download 

tentei flashear ele pelo odin de novo mas ele não da processo 

fica só em "initialy..."

ai a pouco tempo adquiri box´s UFI,MEDUSA PRO, Z3X ATV SAM.

tentei escrever a flash pela z3x e deu isso

  1. Choose correct flash file(s).
  2. If you have PIT file chosen, then you must check 'Repartition' option.
  3. Check flashing options if needed (Repartition, EFS clear, Boot update).
  4. Power on the phone in download mode (turn off phone, press vol.down + home + power).
  5. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
  6. Press 'Flash' button. 

Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-G935F
Software version: 37.0

Analisando arquivo... OK
Total file size: 0x04C589A0 (76 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM3 detected
Configurando conexão... error

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.37.0


tentei via UFI ela nem reconhece o aparelho mesmo ele estando em modo download...

obs: o aparelho nõ entra em modo recovery mas entra em modo download  o pc reconhece ele  a box z3x tbm a UFI DONGLE não reconhece "ja instalei tudo quanto é driver possivel"

e a MEDUSA PRO estou sem o adaptador pra fazer a leitura via EMMC  ou JTAG.

desde ja agradeo a todos pela ajuda 


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  Em 10/08/2019 em 18:19, mamoto disse:

boa tarde galera estou com um samsung s7 edger  que estava em loop ai fui flashear ele pelo odin agora ele não entra em recovery  só consigo coloca=lo em modo download 

tentei flashear ele pelo odin de novo mas ele não da processo 

fica só em "initialy..."

ai a pouco tempo adquiri box´s UFI,MEDUSA PRO, Z3X ATV SAM.

tentei escrever a flash pela z3x e deu isso

  1. Choose correct flash file(s).
  2. If you have PIT file chosen, then you must check 'Repartition' option.
  3. Check flashing options if needed (Repartition, EFS clear, Boot update).
  4. Power on the phone in download mode (turn off phone, press vol.down + home + power).
  5. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
  6. Press 'Flash' button. 

Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-G935F
Software version: 37.0

Analisando arquivo... OK
Total file size: 0x04C589A0 (76 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM3 detected
Configurando conexão... error

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.37.0


tentei via UFI ela nem reconhece o aparelho mesmo ele estando em modo download...

obs: o aparelho nõ entra em modo recovery mas entra em modo download  o pc reconhece ele  a box z3x tbm a UFI DONGLE não reconhece "ja instalei tudo quanto é driver possivel"

e a MEDUSA PRO estou sem o adaptador pra fazer a leitura via EMMC  ou JTAG.

desde ja agradeo a todos pela ajuda 



qual rom do s7 edge ta usando ? 

mostre uma foto nitida do aparelho em modo download

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  Em 16/08/2019 em 17:07, mamoto disse:

passei e  deu o mesmo prolema 


ta dando isso ai na octoplus

Bemvindo na  Octoplus Box Samsung software versão
To connect SM-G935F phone you have to perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect USB cable from phone. 
2. Go to Menu->Settings->More->About Device.
3. Tap on "Build number" 7 times to enable developer options.
4. Go to Menu->Settings->More->Developer options.
5. Turn on "USB Debugging" option.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: Rooting
Connecting to server...
Connecting to server...Ok!
Checking resource files...
Downloading resources...
All necessary resource files have been downloaded successfully.
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Waiting for phone...
Firmware write started.
Writing Firmware Failed
Rooting phone failed.
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: Read info
Reading info, please wait...
Proper android device not found. Make sure that "USB debug" option on 
the device is turned on.
Performed by Software version.
Selected BOOT file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected AP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected CP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected CSC file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Please select firmware with PIT
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.
Selected PIT file: C:\UFI\Android-ToolBox\Samsung\SM-G935F
Selected BOOT file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected AP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected CP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Selected CSC file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads\G935FXXU3ERHC_
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.
To connect SCL24 phone you have to perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect USB cable from phone. 
2. Go to Menu->Settings->More->About Device.
3. Tap on "Build number" 7 times to enable developer options.
4. Go to Menu->Settings->More->Developer options.
5. Turn on "USB Debugging" option.
6. Go to dial window.
7. Enter "*#0808#" number.
8. Select "DM+Modem+ADB".
9. Press Home button.
10. Restart phone.
11. Press "Read Info" in software.
To connect SM-G935T phone you have to perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect USB cable from phone. 
2. Go to Menu->Settings->More->About Device.
3. Tap on "Build number" 7 times to enable developer options.
4. Go to Menu->Settings->More->Developer options.
5. Turn on "USB Debugging" option.
Selected BOOT file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected AP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CSC file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935T into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Reconnect the battery.
2. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
3. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.
To connect SM-G935F phone you have to perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect USB cable from phone. 
2. Go to Menu->Settings->More->About Device.
3. Tap on "Build number" 7 times to enable developer options.
4. Go to Menu->Settings->More->Developer options.
5. Turn on "USB Debugging" option.
Selected AP file: D:\combinations\COMBINATION_FA60
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.
Selected AP file: D:\combinations\COMBINATION_FA60
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Writing firmware Canceled
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: DRK Fix
Note: Type *#0*# on the phone and connect UART cable.
Searching for device. Please wait...
Device not found!
DRK fixing failed!
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: DRK Fix
Note: Type *#0*# on the phone and connect UART cable.
Searching for device. Please wait...
Device not found!
DRK fixing failed!
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: Reboot Recovery
Proper android device not found. Make sure that "USB debug" option on 
the device is turned on.
Rebooting phone failed.
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM12
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: DRK Fix
Proper android device not found. Make sure that "USB debug" option on 
the device is turned on.
DRK fixing failed!
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM3
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: DRK Fix
Proper android device not found. Make sure that "USB debug" option on 
the device is turned on.
DRK fixing failed!
Performed by Software version.
Plataforma: Samsung Android
Porto seleccionado: COM3
Modelo seleccionado: SM-G935F
Operation: Reboot Recovery
Proper android device not found. Make sure that "USB debug" option on 
the device is turned on.
Rebooting phone failed.
Performed by Software version.
Selected PIT file: C:\UFI\Android-ToolBox\Samsung\SM-G935F
Selected BOOT file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected AP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CSC file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Escrevendo a secção PIT...
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.
Selected BOOT file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected AP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CP file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Selected CSC file: C:\Users\dudacell\Downloads
Please put the phone into Download Mode and connect USB cable.
To put SM-G935F into Download Mode, You have to perform the 
following steps:
1. Press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" keys.
2. When phone turns on, press "Volume+" key.
Found phone on 
Advanced mode!
Firmware write started.
Please select firmware with PIT
Writing Firmware Failed
Performed by Software version.

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  Em 16/08/2019 em 17:27, lkievel disse:

Você tentou apenas pela Z3x ou também pelo Odin?  Para esse procedimento eu recomendo o Odin 3.12 segue: link


<ID:0/003> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/003> Initialzation..
<ID:0/003> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/003> Re-Partition operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
<ID:0/003> Removed!!

deu isso ai agora 

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