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iDEN Super Agent RSS R02.00.15 (README)

Ary Braga

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README file for Motorola iDEN Super Agent RSS®

Version: R02.00.15

© Motorola, Inc. 1997-2009

This README.TXT file contains important information about Motorola's

iDEN Super Agent RSS for Windows. Read this file in its entirety for

the latest information regarding this release.


This file has been divided into the following five sections for easy











The following is a list of new features that are available in Super

Agent RSS which were not available in Agent RSS.

1. Super Agent RSS will Write (Flash) Regular and Licensed Subscriber

Software to the phone.

2. The following codeplug fields will be viewable but read only in

Super Agent RSS

* Selected Mailbox

* PTN Cross fleet enable

* Browser Multiple Uplink Disabled

* OAP Alias Write Disabled

* Voice Channel Interleave

* Factory Voice Channel Interleave

* Voice Handover Restriction

* Always HNNS When Roaming Enabled

3. Super Agent RSS will provide the ability to merge bandmaps but it

will not have access to individual bandmap frequencies.

4. A new feature called "Log Update" has been added to Super Agent RSS.

When this feature is turned on, a log file will be created/updated

each time a Write Phone, Write Software and Write Software and Codeplug

operation is performed. The log file will contain the following

information: Update #, Date/Time operation was performed, IMEI, Model #,

and Serial # of the phone on which the operation was performed, CP/SW

Version in the phone before the operation, CP/SW Version in the phone

after the operation and Type of operation performed. Choose Tools/Options

to access this feature.



Different personal computers have different hardware and OS

(operating system) configurations. Some features of

this program may not work properly in certain configurations.

If you encounter any problems in this program then contact

iDEN RSS Support at 800-453-0920.



System Requirement:


1. Processor Pentium® or Equivalent or later

2. Processor Speed 300 MHz or Higher

3. Memory (RAM) 128 MB recommended

4. Free hard disk space 40 MB

for installation

5. CD drive CD Rom Drive

6. Operating system Windows 2000™, Windows XP™ SP1, Windows Vista™

7. USB Support Windows 2000™, Windows XP™ SP1, Windows Vista™

New Model Support:



New Features:


1. This release of RSS supports SIM card for SIM capable phones.

It allows the user to read and write SIM card information. At

this point it allows the user to edit call lists only. The

new functions added in the RSS are "Read SIM" and

"Write SIM". Both functions are available through the "File

Menu" and in tool bar. When a user tries to read/write SIM

data from/to the phone, RSS puts the phone in a special

mode from normal power-on mode. The phone displays

"RSS--SIM IN SESSION". After reading/writing SIM, RSS

resets the phone to put it back into the normal mode. If

due to communications failure the phone stays in the

RSS-SIM mode then it can be taken out of that mode

by turning it off by pressing the power button on the


2. This release allows users to write CSD (Customer Specific

Data) to the phone. A new function has been added under

"Tools" menu called "Write CSD...". When user selects this

function, RSS opens a window showing CSD folder on the

computer. User can now select the appropriate folder

depending on the service provider and select the CSD

file with filename in "csdXXYYZZ.s19" format.


XX = service provider identifier

YY = major version number

ZZ = minor version number

For i1000plus, i500plus, i700plus, i550plus and r750plus

use CSD files with major version number "02".

For i2000plus, i85s, i50sx, i55sr, i90c, i60c, i95cl, i80s,

i30sx,i88s, i205, i750, i530, i830, i285, i325, i315, i860,

i265, i605

use CSD files with major version number "05" or "06".



When you upgrade an i1000plus, i500plus or i700plus to

0A.08 codeplug version and equivalent phone software

version, you need to upgrade CSD. If the CSD is not

upgraded then the phone when powers up shows a blank

display with blinking icons on the top. To recover the

phone, please put the phone in the programming mode by

pressing two softkeys (two buttons on the flip of i1000plus

phone or the buttons with a white dot on i500plus and

i700plus phones) and power button at the same time and hold

them for 3 seconds. The phone will power up in the

programming mode showing "FLASHStrap..." on the display.

At this point you can attempt the "Write CSD..."


3. This release of RSS supports "+" (international) and

"P" (pause) dialing for i1000plus, i500plus, i700plus,

i2000, r750plus, i550plus, i85s, i50sx, i55sr, i90c, i60c, 195cl,

i30sx, i88s and i80s phones. A "+" can be entered at the

beginning of a phone number to indicate that the number

is an international number. A pause character "P" can be

entered in the phone number to indicate the phone to pause

after dialing the number in the front of "P".

4. This release of RSS has a new option to automatically

reset the phone after programming data to the phone.

A check-box named "Auto-Reset" has been added in the

"Options" dialog under the "Tools" menu. If the box is

checked, the RSS resets the target phone at the end of the

"Write Phone" or "Copy Phone" operation and resets the

source phone in the "Copy Wizard..." function.

Codeplug support:


1. This release supports Universal codeplug structures

11.00 - 16.00. Codeplug structure 16.00 allows the phone

to work with cross-fleet type of private IDs.

Codeplug structure version 16.00 is only supported for

i600, i390 and i370 phone models.

2. This release supports all i1000 codeplug structures up to

04.00. Codeplug structure 04.00 allows the phone to work

with cross-fleet type of private IDs.

3. Supports codeplug structure 0C.06 for i1000plus, i500plus,

i700plus, r750plus, i2000plus, iX1000 and i550plus.

4. Supports codeplug structure 0A.08 for i2000.

5. Supports codeplug structure 12.02 for i85s, i50sx and i55sr.

6. Supports codeplug structure 13.04 for i80s and i90c.

7. Supports codeplug structure 16.03 for i85s release 3 and i80s.

8. Supports codeplug structure 16.03 for i30sx and i35s.

9. Supports codeplug structure 1A.0A for i95cl, i60c and

i90c release 2, i88s.

10. Supports codeplug structure 3D.02 for i205/i305 & i283.

11. Supports codeplug structure 30.00 for i730.

12. Supports codeplug structure 31.01 for i530.

13. Supports codeplug structure 3C.02 for i830 and i710.

14. Supports codeplug structure 44.02 for i325.

15. Supports codeplug structure 3F.05 for i315.

16. Supports codeplug structure 44.02 for i860

17. Supports codeplug structure 44.06 for i265.

18. Supports codeplug structure 45.03 for i830e.

19. Supports codeplug structure 4A.05 for i605.

20. Supports codeplug structure 4A.07 for i850.

21. Supports codeplug structure 5D.00 for i870.

22. Supports codeplug structure 61.00 for i580.

23. Supports codeplug structure 62.01 for i580.

24. Supports codeplug structure 63.01.

25. Supports Codeplug structure 45.04 for i830.

26. Supports Codeplug structure 61.00 for i670.

27. Supports Codeplug structure 64.02 for i580.

28. supports codeplug Structure 4D.0E for i265MR2

29. Supports codeplug Structure 4D.0F for i275/i415/i355 MR

30. Supports Codeplug Structure 65.05 for i885

31. Supports Codeplug Structure 4A.11 for i615

32. Supports Codeplug Structure 65.02 for ic502

33. Supports Codeplug Strucutre 65.05 for i880

34. Supports Codeplug Structure 42.07 for i876/i877

35. Supports Codeplug Structure 6A.04 for i290/i335

36. Supports Codeplug Strucutre 67.00 for ic902

37. Supports Codeplug Structure 5D.05 for i560

39. Supports Codeplug Structure 5F.04 for i570

40. Supports Codeplug Structure 6F.01 for i365/i36IS

41. Supports Codeplug Structure 6F.04 for i780/i576

42. Supports Codeplug Structure 97.02 for i765/i765IS

43. Supports Codeplug Structure 47.07 for i890

44. Supports Codeplug Structure 73.01 for i465

45. Supports Codeplug Structure 58.03 for i790

46. Supports Codeplug Structure 58.03 for i890

47. Supports Codeplug Structure 58.03 for i680

48. Supports Codeplug Structure 6F.01 for i410

Phone upgrade:


1. RSS now checks for phone software and phone codeplug

compatibility before writing codeplug to a phone. If phone

software and phone codeplug are incompatible, RSS undoes some

codeplug changes and changes codeplug version to the one that is

compatible with the current phone software. A message in this

regards is also shown if incompatibility is detected. E.g.For

i1000 phone software version R18.02.00 or greater needs codeplug

version 03.07 or greater. While writing codeplug to i1000 if

RSS detects that the phone software is lower than R18.02.00 then

it undoes the 03.07 changes and sets the codeplug version to


2. For i1000plus, phone software version R28.02.00 requires

codeplug structure 0A.08. This RSS updates the phone codeplug in

the "Write Phone" function to 0A.08 if the phone codeplug

version is lower than 0A.08. A message in this regard is also

shown. If RSS does update the codeplug, as mentioned in the

message, some changes made by the user before writing the

codeplug may be overwritten if the update sets new defaults

for editable fields. In this case, user has to load the

codeplug again in RSS and redo the changes and then write

the codeplug back.

Phone recovery:


1. A backup codeplug file is created called "Backup.dbf" in the RSS

directory during the write cp function and the update function.

If the write codeplug function is interrupted and the radio does

not operate correctly the backup file can be loaded into RSS and

written to the phone to fix the phone.

2. A new feature has been added called "Recover Phone". A new toolbar

button and a menu item in the "Tools" menu called "Recover wizard"

have been added. In this new feature, every codeplug is saved

before writing it to a phone in a backup directory. If "Write

Phone" or "Write phone partial" functions fail and cause

"SELF CHECK FAIL 0800" or "SELF CHECK FAIL F4000" error then

this new function can be used to fix the phone codeplug using the

codeplug backed up by RSS in the backup directory.



1. Supports two baudrates for i1000, i1000plus and i500plus, i700plus,

i2000, r750plus, i2000plus and i550plus: 57600 and 115200. These

baudrates are applicable to Read/Write/Copy phone operations only.

If you experience problems at 115200 due to inability of the PC to

communicate at that speed then use 57600. Baudrate can be changed

in the "Options" dialog under "Tools" menu.

2. For Mobile phones (m100, m370 etc.), make sure that the "QuickComm"

flag is turned OFF in the "Options" under "Tools" menu.

3. For ic502, if the RSS fails to communicate then please disconnect

the uSB cable from the phone and then reconnect it after a couple

of seconds. You may encounter this situation after pressing the

"Reset Phone" button or if the "Auto Reset" option is "ON" in the

"Options" dialog.

4. For Windows Vista, Parallel port is not supported due to discontinue

support from Operating System.



1. If the phone list information from a phone that supports "+" dialing

feature is copied to a phone that does not support the feature using

"Copy Phone"/"Copy Wizard" features then the "+" is dropped from

the phone number. The same is true if the phone list that has entries

with "+" is imported into a codeplug that does not support "+"


2. If the phone list information from a phone that supports "P" dialing

feature is copied to a phone that does not support the feature using

"Copy Phone"/"Copy Wizard" features then the "P" is replaced by "o"

in the phone number. The same is true if the phone list that has

entries with "P" is imported into a codeplug that does not support

"P" dialing.



1. The application will lose focus (another application will come

to the front) for a moment after some communications operations.

2. For some iDEN models, when attempting to communicate with the

phone while it is connecting to the system, communications may

fail. If you are having problems with communications, make sure

the radio shows the green connected light before attempting to

communicate with the phone.

3. When importing private ID entries in UFMI format (cross fleet ID)

via USR file, entries with zero member ID are not imported and

RSS shows error. This is an expected operation. User can open the

USR file and delete such entries before importing them into a

codeplug to avoid import errors.

4. If using USB on Windows 98, the application window will disappear

after shutting down, however the system will not completely release

all resources for approximately 5-10 minutes. You will be unable to

start another session of the application until the resource have

been released.

5. On Windows 2000 with "Service Pack 1, RC 1.1" USB will not work

properly due to USB incompatibility. Please update Windows 2000

to "Service Pack 2" or later for proper operation of USB.

6. If using Windows XP, you may encounter USB communications problem.

If problem occurs, go to device manager by right-clicking on

"My Computer", selects "Manage". Select "Device Manager" on the

left pane. Then select "Universal Serial Bus controllers" on the

right pane and expand it. Double-click on "USB Root Hub". This will

bring up the "USB Root Hub Properties" dialog. Go to "Power Management"

tab and un-check the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to

save power". Click "OK". Repeat this process for every USB Root Hub

under the "Universal Serial Bus Controller". Reboot the computer.

Then retry the operation.



We recommend that you report problems to iDEN Customer Care

at 800-453-0920. Also, visit the iDEN Customer Care web site for more information.



This product should be used in accordance with the terms of the license

and should not be copied without permission from Motorola.

Windows, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and

Windows XP are registered trademarks by Microsoft Corporation.

iDEN, iDEN RSS are trademarks of Motorola Inc.

Portions of the iDEN RSS runtime libraries are provided by the

following companies:

Stingray Software: Objective Grid and Objective Toolkit

BlueWater Systems: WinRT

Microsoft: Data Access Objects

Microsoft: Microsoft Foundation Classes

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Boa noite Ary, vc teria o iDEN Super Agent RSS R02.00.15 para poder me passar?

Grato desde já!

Já existe a versão R02.00.17 - Porem por questão de Regras e Leis de nosso país, fico impossibilitado de lhe passar.

P.S. Pode ser facilmente encontrado Links para download no (Google) Tente por ele.

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