News & Updates Postado Março 16 Compartilhar Postado Março 16 EFT Dongle Pro V 4.9.5 Powered by Easy Firmware EFT Pro Dongle Update V4.9.5 Build 001 is released : What's New : [AUTO Adb] Supported ADBDevice Utility: with the following options:★ Install and run the QuickShortcutMaker app. ★ Install and run the Disable Apps Without Root app. ★ Install and run the Package Disabler app. ★ Run the Settings app. ★ Remove the SystemUI app. ★ Enable the SystemUI app. [[SPD AUTO]] Factory Reset (USERDATA/CACHE/FRP) by default[SPD] Factory Reset Options:★ Install and run the QuickShortcutMaker app. ★ Factory Reset (USERDATA/CACHE/FRP) ★ Factory Reset (USERDATA/CACHE/METADATA/FRP) [Qualcomm] Added Qualcomm Models★ FRP ★ Factory Reset Check More HereBR EASY Team Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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