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Procedimentos realizados com sucesso Chimera TooL

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Remover senha Black Berry 9300 em 2 minutos.

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[Telefone Nuke]

Iniciando processo de bomba nuclear
À espera de modo de inicialização
Se ele não ligar em 10 segundos, desconecte o cabo USB e conecte-o novamente
Nuking o telefone. Por favor, aguarde até que o LED vermelho se apaga. Isso pode demorar alguns minutos.

Nuking feito.
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Atualizando Bb Curve, lento na tela de inicialização e sem Idioma" Português"

Selecione o Idioma desejado e execute em Ok para Inicia atualização;

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Atualização completa com sucesso!

Posted Image

Impressão história do telefoneblackberry -info 2013/12/12 19:37:18 ACABADO
blackberry- swfix 2013/12/12 18:13:45 ERROR

[ Piscando BlackBerry 5.0]

Info Software
SCM versão :
APP versão :
Versão Platform :
OperatorID Software : 119
Operador Telefone ID: 154 ( TIM Brasil )
Arquivos mínimos serão enviados a partir da versão selecionada com idiomas :
Inglês GB
Português (Brasil)
Português (Portugal)

Buscando arquivos de atualização
Aguarde um pouco, é um processo longo ...

Download de arquivos
Analisando lista de download
664 arquivos serão transferidos

Alternar para o modo de carregador
dispositivo reiniciando
Conexão com bootloader
Envio de carregador

Analisando o arquivo SFI

Atualizando meminfo
Atualizando meminfo
SFI1 addr : 0x2 - 0x73
SFI2 addr : 0x73 - 0x73
APP addr : 0x73 - 0x7bf

Apagar área de APP ( apagar todas as aplicações )

Piscando SFI1 ( sistema operacional)
Escrita de flash

Alternar para o modo SFI
Isto significa que o telefone está iniciando ou iniciado : O logotipo amora e uma barra de carregamento é exibido na tela
 Telefone deve ter bateria dentro
Esperando o telefone para reiniciar

Arquivos do aplicativo Upload
663 arquivos foram enviados para o telefone.

À espera de modo SFI
Se ele não ligar em 10-20 segundos , desconecte e reconecte o cabo USB
Se o telefone não reiniciar automaticamente , desligue o cabo USB

Piscar Software concluído com êxito.
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Para fazer o desbloqueio Lumia primeiro faça o processo de Fix DLOAD and Flash.

Posted Image

Printing phone historylumia -info 13/12/2013 14:06:12 FINISHED
lumia - readnck 13/12/2013 14:03:44 ERROR
lumia - dload 12/02/2013 20:25:17 ERROR
lumia - dload 12/02/2013 14:31:16 CANCELED
lumia -info 02/12/2013 14:31:00 FINISHED

[ Fix DLOAD and Flash . ]

Device info
Partitions :

SFS copy 1
SFS copy 2
SFS backup

Bytes per sector : 0x200
Per cluster Sector : 0x20
Reserved sectors : 0x1
Sectors per FAT : 0xAF
FAT copies : 0x2
Files :
       / keystore
       / Keystore / KEY.STR
       / Keystore / ? TORE.PT ( deleted )
       / IMAGE
       / IMAGE / ADSP.MBN
       / IMAGE / AMSS.MBN

Fixing keystore
Deleting old keystore files
Deleted encrypted store
Writing new keystore

Flashing bootloader DLOAD
Writing to flash dload

Restarting in DLOAD mode
To start the new DLOAD , follow these steps :
1. Do NOT disconnect from USB
2 . Please press VOLUME UP and POWER for 15 seconds
3 . Release POWER ( keep pressing VOLUME UP)
4 . When connected , everything release
You can release POWER now ( keep pressing VOLUME UP)
You can now release the buttons

Testing DLOAD
DLOAD working
Custom functions working
Everything seems to work . To boot the phone , disconnect from USB and wait a minute .

Fix and flash DLOAD done .

Desbloqueio Realizado com sucesso!

Posted Image

[Read Nck.]

Testing custom dload
Test OK.

Reading MODEM FS
Reading using method A
Found SFS1 @ c000000, S: 300000
Found SFS2 @ c300000, S: 300000
SFS1 read
Preparing SFS2
Reading SFS2 started
SFS2 read
Everything read OK.

Parsing NCK

NCK: 23538088
NCK1: 23538088
NCK2: 80648598
NCK3: 92202760
NCK4: 88203886
NCK5: 85009413

Read NCK done.
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desbloqueio black berry 8520

coloque ele ligado espera instala os driver que vai reconhecer

depois manda fazer o desbloqueio

procedimento para digita o codigo

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Desbloqueio S4 Modelo I9505 Internacional!

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Printing phone history
Unlock 2014-01-31 13:04:31 ERROR
Unlock 2014-01-31 12:54:35 ERROR
Info 2014-01-31 12:54:09 FINISHED
Root/Unroot 2014-01-31 12:41:09 ERROR
Unlock 2014-01-31 12:26:48 ERROR

[Unlock phone started.]

Checking serial port...

Gathering phone info...
Model: GT-I9505
Android Version: 4.3
PDA Version: I9505XXUEMK8
Phone Version: I9505XXUEMK8
CSC Version: I9505OXXEMK3
Baseband Version: M9615A-CEFWTAZM-4.0.17125
Serial Number: R31DA2HFQBR
Imei: 359921051838062
FW Release Date: Nov 01 2013
FW Release Time: 11:00:00
FW Compilation Date: Nov 19 2013
FW Compilation Time: 18:15:03

Checking serial port...

Unlock stage1 failed. Preparing modem image.

Checking root state...

Getting original modem...
Reading original modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Storing original modem image to local disc.

Getting new modem...
Checking new modem image existence on local disc.
Downloading new modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Checking image.
Preparing new modem image.

Waiting for battery remove/replace...
Disconnect usb cable.
Remove battery and wait few seconds.
Replace battery.
Power on the phone.
Reconnect usb cable.

Phone removed.
Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Sending new modem...
Writing new modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Restarting phone.
Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Checking modem version.
Retrying unlock procedure.

Checking serial port...

Unlocking successful.
The phone will restart automatically. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Waiting for restart...
Waiting for restart. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Restoring original modem...
Writing original modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Modem restored.
Restarting phone.

Finished successfully.
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Desbloqueio com Sucesso Samsung I9505 Android 4.2.2 Operadora:Movista Espanha

Posted Image

Posted Image


[unlock phone started.]

Checking serial port...


Gathering phone info...

Model: GT-I9505

Android Version: 4.2.2

PDA Version: I9505XXUDMH6

Phone Version: I9505XXUDMH6

CSC Version: I9505XECDMH2

Serial Number: R31DA0G10JZ

Imei: 355172057531509

Checking serial port...



Unlock stage1 failed. Preparing modem image.

Getting original modem...

Reading original modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Storing original modem image to local disc.

Getting new modem...

Checking new modem image existence on local disc.

Downloading new modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Checking image.

Preparing new modem image.

Waiting for battery remove/replace...

Disconnect usb cable.

Remove battery and wait few seconds.

Replace battery.

Power on the phone.

Reconnect usb cable.

Phone removed.

Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Sending new modem...

Writing new modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Restarting phone.

Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Checking modem version.

Retrying unlock procedure.

Checking serial port...



Unlocking successful.

The phone will restart automatically. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Waiting for restart...

Waiting for restart. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Restoring original modem...

Writing original modem image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!

Modem restored.

Restarting phone.

Finished successfully.


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Desbloqueio e Root Samsung N7000 ChimeraTools

Posted Image

[COLOR=#555555]Printing phone history[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Info 2014-03-17 13:41:29 FINISHED[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#115598][Unlock phone started.][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#555555]Gathering phone info...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Model: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]GT-N7000[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Android Version: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]2.3.6[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]PDA Version: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]N7000XXLA1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Phone Version: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]N7000XXLA1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]CSC Version: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]N7000OXALA1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Product Code: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]GT-N7000ZBLDBT[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]HIDSw Version: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]N7000XXLA1/N7000OXALA1/N7000XXLA1/N7000XXLA1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Serial Number: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]RQ1C500VAQT[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Imei: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]359620041152796[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#115598]Connections: [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]DEBUG[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#555555]Checking root state...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Not rooted.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#555555]Rooting by generic root method...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#555555]Checking root state...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#555555]Checking secure image.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Storing secure image.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Preparing secure block.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Preparing image #0.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Preparing image #1.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#555555]Preparing image #2.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#115598]Finished successfully.[/COLOR]
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