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[Nokia 6100] O.S. gone awry, phone hangs and turns off seconds after power on

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Hello (my 1st post)

I need help with my cell phone, an old Nokia 6100.
The other week it hung while writing a SMS. All of a sudden. It accepted no input anymore. Seconds later all writings disappeared, the screen washed to white, and more seconds after that it shut off autonomously.

The battery is confirmed to be OK and at full charge. Matter of fact it works properly in a different 6100.

Now if I try to power on *my* phone the display turns white for two seconds, the PIN request appears for an instant, and immediately the phone turns off. All by itself.

Long story short:
(I was told that) My phone's O.S. is stuck on some kind of internal error. Won't snap out of it and it can't be cured. The only solution is to upload a fresh copy of the O.S. to overwrite the current one (and what error it's having shall be stomped over). In so doing I'll forfeit my custom content. *sigh*

I'm willing to try. This phone is a memento I wish to preserve : (

Now, I gathered some info. To upload the O.S. to my phone I need five things:

* USB cable to interface phone and PC
* Nokia PC Suite software
* Nokia Software Update software
* A copy of the O.S. Symbian Series 40 (<-- right?)
* A... resistor, of all things (the tiny electronic component)

There are 2 problems with the resistor:
1) I don't know *which* resistor to use (need the exact specs).
2) Even if I get the right resistor then I don't know exactly what to do with it.

The internet doesn't offer the details I seek (that, or I suck at searching) and I hope to find help in this place.
You're supposed to be the experts. If you don't help me I'm lost.

Thank you in advance.

(To te moderators: I hope this is the correct forum section. If it is not, please accept my apologies and move the thread where appropriate.)

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