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Iphone 3G 4.0.2 (8A400) Desbloqueio

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Caros colegas após leitura de varios topicos não me deparei com nenhuma solução para essa versão... vi que para a 4.0 e 4.0.1 tem desbloqueio, inclusive tentei-a... saberiam me informar se é possivel desbloquea-la? a versão do modem é a 05.13.04, se houver solução poderiam me informar um passo a passo? Desde já agradeço por tudo e fico no aguardo, Sérgio - SuportteCell

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These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3G on the 4.0 firmware using RedSn0w for Mac and iTunes 9.2. The Windows version of this tutorial is here.

This tutorial can be used to jailbreak before applying the UltraSn0w unlock. You can find instructions on how to apply the unlock here. It will also hacktivate your device for those not with an official carrier.

Step One

Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage

Download RedSn0w from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Likewise, download the latest 4.0 firmware from below and place it in the same folder.

4.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw

Extract the redsn0w app from the RedSn0w zip file by double clicking it.


Step Two

Connect your iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes.


Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Option and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.


Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue.


Step Three

Once iTunes has finished updating your iPhone to the desired firmware open the Pwnage folder on your desktop and launch the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier.

<A href=" 35162.png" target=_blank>Posted ImageStep Four

Once RedSn0w opens click the Browse button

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Step Five

Select the firmware ipsw we placed in the Pwnage folder on our desktop then click Open.

Posted Image

Step Six

Once the firmware has been verified click the Next button to continue.

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Step Seven

RedSn0w will now prepare the jailbreak data

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Step Eight

From this window you can select the jailbreak options you would like.

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Verbose boot displays detailed information on boot of your device and is generally only needed by developers and advanced users.

Make sure Cydia is selected. For this tutorial we will also select Custom boot logo and Custom recovery logo.

When you click to select each custom logo option a dialog window will appear asking you to select the image. Locate the image you would like to use then press the Open button.

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Posted Image

*Remember the rules for boot logos are: RGB or Grayscale format with Alpha channel and dimension below 320x480. If you would like to use the iClarified ones they can be found here: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo

Notice that RedSn0w has already selected to Enable multitasking, Enable homescreen wallpaper, and Enable battery percentage. If you do not need multitasking we would recommend deselecting it as it makes your iPhone 3G run very slow.

Click the Next button to continue

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Step Nine

Please plug your iPhone into the computer and make sure its OFF then click the Next button

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Step Ten

RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode. You can find more help with DFU mode here

Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.

Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device.

Step Eleven

Your iPhone will now reboot

Step Twelve

RedSn0w will then begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.

Step Thirteen

Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done. Click the Finish button. When your iPhone finishes rebooting (5 minutes or so) it will be jailbroken with Cydia on the SpringBoard.

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  Arkanoidblue disse:

Sergio, o problema em jailbreaks e unlocks é na baseband.

Procure desbloqueio pela versão do seu modem.:namig:

Caro colega, apos tentar varias vezes e formas e não conseguir me deparei com esse topico...

Então por enquanto é impossivel desbloquear o 4.0.2?

seria possivel fazer um downgrade pra uma versão mais baixa e então desbloquear?

Desde já agradecido e no aguardo,

Sérgio - SuportteCell

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Correto Andre. testado aqui tambem.

Se quiser se adiantar vai aí o tuto via iclarifield

iClarified - Apple News - RedSn0w Can Still Jailbreak 4.0.2 for the iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G

Se quizer aguardar até amanhâ, eu traduzi lá para PTBR, estou só aguardando o ADM de lá aprovar minha translate. :namig:

Ou pega ela em ingles mesmo. Você é que escolhe

Opa ja traaduziram. aaaaaaaaaa

O link atualizado pro redsnow ta aqui

Pedi pra eles atualizarem isso pra mim,mais pega ele aqui em primeira mão. hehehehehe

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  • 2 semanas depois...

  andrericardo disse:

Desbloqueio testado com sucesso no iphone 3G

com firmware 4.0.2 (8A400)

usando redsn0w_win_0.9.5b5-5

selecione firmware iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw

pronto, jailbreak feito, so correr ultrasnow...

É amigo testei esse procedimento ai e deu certo para coloca o sinal usei o

programa unlock_3G_3GS no wifi que tem no forum


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